The Retreat Laboratory
Medicine Space acts as a laboratory for women to self-inquire and investigate their inner landscape in order to awaken and retrieve lost modes of consciousness.
A space that provides a source of nourishment and healing to tend to the inner reservoir of unprocessed emotions, to call back what’s been pushed to the shadows and is causing sickness in psyche and soma. It is a transformative container, an incubator, that holds women with tenderness and safety to reclaim their right to express their unspoken rage, grief and sorrow as they walk through the fire of transmutation and rebirth.
It is a space that is dedicated to reviving and restoring the embodied feminine principle.
Our Signature 7 Day Process / OCTOBER 23-29 2025 | Portugal
This is our foundational integrative trauma healing initiation that investigates aspects of the psyche still largely occupied by the archetypal inner child. During this seven day process, participants are facilitated through the essential rite of passage to undergo the death and resurrection of outdated persona-identities in order to arrive at renewed and more mature and healthy psychological patterns.
WEEKEND IMMERSION / JUNE 13th - 15th 2025 | Lisbon
The full-bodied range and radiance of woman has been compressed into such narrowly defined roles for many hundreds of years that today there exists few images that represent the depths of wisdom and vitality that belong to her. Archetype is an investigative and integrative journey into these lost and dismembered aspects of Self, through creative somatic explorations with myth, voice, and shadow.
At the cellular level we carry our ancestors in our embodied memory and so it is in the returning to our bodies that we unlock pathways of liberation and healing. In surrendering to the dance, the mind goes quiet, opening dialogue with the unconscious and giving space for the primordial and instinctual Self to emerge.
The Medicine Process has fundamentally altered my perception of the world and myself. During the retreat I tapped into an energy I don’t fully understand and thankfully it has followed me home. Since returning, I have experienced pure, spontaneous gratitude and peace. I have felt more at home in myself than I ever could have envisioned. Not constantly, but reliably. When life throws me out of my comfort zone, I am now able to find my centre again. I have a new perspective on self-judgement, I see my flaws as challenges rather than cages. I feel empowered, curious & content. I am choosing to leave more white space in my life, yet somehow it feels fuller. I am beginning to love the silence.
I can’t thank Steph enough for triggering such desperately needed changes in me. I know I still have so much to learn and experience but I am no longer afraid of being alive, of facing life’s beautiful challenges.